S.T.L.T.H. start to live thru heart

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

People in your life are season

kanye brought this to my attention when he said "people in ya life are seasons//and everything that happen is for a reason// so keep believin in jesus...ect" i never fully understood what he ment when he said that untill the other night...heres how i broke it down...ok...u got summer spring winter and fall....summer is hot, winter cold, fall things fall, spring things grow...ok so in the summer time u need water, a lawn mover, swimmin trunks,fans...things to block the sun and keep u cool...in the winter u need to saty warm...in the fall u need rakes and yard waste bags...and in the spring u need things to help things grow...ok people are like seasons meaning some people are hot, some cold, some falling,some growing...what kayne ment was that as time goes on you cant keep hangin onto old "seasons" meaning if its summer time why are u still hanging out with shovels...or in the winter time why do u have the a/c blastin...life dont work like that if its spring time be with people who are also in the spring of things...or vice versa in the fall when its time to harvest dont be still hangin out with the spring people...we are human beings we all deserve to be happy and expeierince life the way that God wanted us to...enjoy peoples company as they were meant to be enjoyed...Summertime hang out with the fans the tanning lotion, and the shades have a ball but realize that fall is coming you cant go into the fall with tanning lotion, shades, swimming trunks...you gotta find a rake, some long sleeve shirts, and a warm meal...basically what im tryin to say is that whatever it is that you want to become, that is who you need to be spending your time with...if you want to be a doctor spend time around doctors...if you want to be a loser spend time around losers...if not you will never become what you are trying be you will be like the person who is trying to cut thier grass with a shovel...thanks kanye for the insite ...i struggle with this so im definately goin to practice what i preach

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