S.T.L.T.H. start to live thru heart

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

s/o to 23isback.com for this article

It's Game 6 of the NBA Finals. You're tired as hell. Your team is down 3 with less than a minute left. You have to score a quick bucket, so you drive to the hoop and hope for an easy layup or a foul. Now your team is down 1 with 30 seconds left. You can't let the other team score. So what do you do? You sneak up on them when they're not looking and hope for a miracle. It works. You get the steal. You don't want to call a timeout because it'll give the defense time to setup. 16 seconds left. The ball is in your hands. The crowd is silent. They're praying you miss. If you miss you have to play a Game 7. If you make it your team wins the Championship. Spread the floor and wait for the clock to wind down. Catch your breath. Is this really happening? The last time you had the ball you drove. That's what the defense thinks you're going to do this time. But no. You change it up. 9 seconds left. You drive hard to the right. Stop. And cross it over to your left. Your defender slips. Here's your chance. Pull up, shoot, and follow through. Swish. Look at the shocked faces in the crowd. You did it. Your team wins the Championship thanks to you. You just proved once again why you'll always be the greatest. Click here to see the video

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