S.T.L.T.H. start to live thru heart

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

what inspires me?

in life some times things get crazy and weeks/ months will fly by and you realize that you want to live the best life possible...i beleive that staying inspired is a key to living a positive/ productive life...i started STLTH ART so that i could have a way to pursue my wildest dreams here is a list of things that inspires me

God/Jesus Christ
obviously because they are the beginning and the end of everything...i feel that without the guidance that Christianity/ the bible i would be so lost believing in false idols....i love God/ Jesus because they represent TRUTH

My mom, granny, and sister (FAMILY)
my family inspires me because they have ALWAYS been there for me when people talk bad about me they never did...when i didnt have nobody to talk to they always did...so now that i am a man i always remember the lessons that my mom/sis/granny have taught me and they inspire me to be my absolute best

not really sure why lions inspire me...lol i just feel good when i see a lion...i love pictures of lions they look so strong they inspire me to be STRONG

music inspires me because i love how sounds can make u feel a certain way....happy,sad,crazy,gangsta gangsta,chill and plus music connects people

now what inspired me to write this article? LOVE
what do i love to do? i remember a long time ago i promised my self that i would love my life...everyday no matter how good or how bad things were i would be a positive force in the world...i feel that all we as humans need is love/passion with out love i feel that u are dead...i just want to live....LOVE KEEPS ME ALIVE/PASSIONATE/ INSPIRED!

hopefully i can begin to LOVE my life agian...so you all can begin to LOVE our brand

tyler aka time waits for no man

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