S.T.L.T.H. start to live thru heart

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Friday, August 12, 2011

bright idea

today i realized that the news is very depressing! they only talk about killing, death , war, how bad the economy is.... dont get me wrong the news channels do cover positive things also...it just seems that the "positive/negative" ratio is heavly swaying to the negitive side....

thats where the good folks at STLTHART come in...this morning while driving around my hometown Aurora,Il i realized that i should create a news station that is focused on positive things....john got a job! that good news....your sister just had a baby! that great news...say you graduated college! thats great news! bought your first home ...lets go interview that person!

its not about stories its about the fact that life is hard! and americans are lazy creatures most people sit on the couch all day and just soak up whatever the tv tells them....but if your hearing more good stuff coming from the news i think that it will teach americans that we can do whatever we put our minds to....and expose them to the people who are doing it...wow 20 people just joined the church! thats great news i wonder how i can join the church?

i dont watch the news why...because its depressing to know that everyday a house burned down or a train got derailed and landed in the ocean no all our ocean life will die for contamintion

us at our news station will focus on positive things that people are doing so it will inspire other people to do the same thing

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