S.T.L.T.H. start to live thru heart

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

keepin it 100

so today on the way home i was listen ing to colby cailet andshe was singing a real slow and emotional song and for some reason the song hit home...like i connected with her...her music was communicating to me in a way that made me feel her pain..i felt like she was singing that song about me...and i thought how awsome of her to make music (art) that is so raw and pure that a person from a totally differenty background can connect with...so i started to think how can i have that same appeal with my art? so as i was driving and thinking it came to me ....KEEP IT REAL! thats the only way people are goin to be able to connect with me and really FEEL what messages im sending through my art...i must admitt that i have a part of me that is a people pleaser i try and make art that is "pc" sometimes... just so i dont offend or gross people out ya know...and im super shy when it comes to my certain things so i keep everything bottled up...but now i feel that that is taking away from my originality thats what art is its an expression...its sposed to be my getaway to expess myself freely...so i made a promise to myself to night to really start to dig deep inside myself and start communicating with my emotions and put them out into my work #1 so i dont go crazy by keeping everything bottled up...#2 theres problly a million other people out there that feel the same way....yes some people may not be understanding but for those people who see my work and my art communitcates to them on another level thats what i want my art to be known for....that real passion...the truth....so thanks for reading and come back soon...hopefully ill have some brilliant pics for yall.... holler

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