S.T.L.T.H. start to live thru heart

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Saturday, November 14, 2009


ray, joe dirt, dark knight, lion king, forest gump

ray- i like ray because of the story and it is a true story...how a blind man in the south can over come his handicap to become one of the most recognized icons around the world...ray charles had demons so he thought that drugs would cure them...he would have nightmares about when his brother died and it would drive him to do drugs to sooth the pain...he ends up goin to jail for drugs and sobers up...and at the end of the movie he remembers what his mom told him when he was a lilttle boy learing how to survive as a blind person "ray promise me one thing,dont let this world cripple you!" the end of the movie shows how ray charles stopped using drugs to calm his demons...and faced them to go on the become a muisc icon

ray-inspired me to face my fears...not to hide or abuse drugs and alcohol to hide ur pain...

joe dirt- joe dirt reminds me of when i was a kid running around happy and causing rawkus everywhere i went... i love joes spirit no matter what happends to him he always finds a way to stay true to him self and perserver..joe inspires me because he loved one chick brandy and when he thought brandy didnt love him he ran away to find his purpose...turns out him and brandy end up making babies and livin happily ever after

joe dirt is in my top five because i feel like a joe dirt some times like alienated, all alone,tryin to find my purpose.haha cant wait till i find my brandy

dark knight- i like the dark knight because the joker is so gangster! his mentality is so intresting ...i realize how gangster the joker was when he stole all the mobs money and set it on fire...hes not motivated my money cars and clothes...he loves chaos, gasoline, and gun powder...thats sets him apart from all scarfaces,ninos, and godfathers...cause they comit crimes for monetary reasons...money, power,respect.....the joker committed crimes because he was just crazy he aint have nothin better to do.

lion king-well first off im a leo through and through so im such a lion staight no chaser...um simba reminds me of myself...he felt guilty about his dad death so he left pride rock...then he met timba and timon and he learned how to servive in there world...then he met nala as a grown up and he realized that he had to go back and claim what was his...he went back to pride rock and became to king he was designed to become

the lion king hits my heart because i went through some troubling time when i was 18ish so i ran away distanced myself from the world to hide my guilt, pain, sadness...but my consience wouldnt let me live a lie so i had to come back to what i was running from to become the king that i am today...lion kling taught me to run towards the pain not from it

forest gump is just a beautiful spirit...that man inspires me so much to treat life like a box a chocolates ...all he knew how to do was run...and he ran so good that he went to college, saved men in war, met the president like 4 times, started a business,married his first love,went to the olypics....on and on...forest gump is so cool...he never tried to impress nobody, he wasnt fake, he wasnt phony he just loved his life...i love all of forest's relationships with his friends, with his family, even with his son... he did right by every single person that he met...priceless

forest gumps story inspires me to live a full life and travel and love and run!

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