S.T.L.T.H. start to live thru heart

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Monday, November 2, 2009


so for november our goal is to get the ball moving on creating a charity event sometime next year im aiming for april! that will be amazing have some local artist come out or just play some good ol music...i havnt thought about what i want to raise money for but i came up with the idea after reading on crooks blog and they went bowling to raise money for the relief efforts over in manila so i mean sounds awsome...i think with the profits i will donate it to...HMM theres so many things that i can think of shoot me some ideas...i just want to help people out ...be apart of something bigger than me...


our first tshirts are amazing if u havnt had a chance to check em out get on it...go to the website let us know how we can help you.....our next shirt is coming out around christmas for sure...i might drop one sooner it just depends on finding a legit designer right now im all about learning how to work smart instead of hard so right now im reading 4 books all of them either deal with positivity,finaicial freedom,marketing, and finding my purpose. so hopefully by next blog we can be talking about what i learnd from the books

all in all we are very excited and eager about our brand...its exciting setting goals and executing our plans and just living everyday with a purpose thanks for all the love and support

fly stlth yall

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